Im 26 years young.

I just now am realizing how important it is to love yourself.

First off, this is your only body..the only one you will ever get.  you have the option to change it to work on it and basically do whatever you want, but its yours forever.

When I was younger I remember being so harsh on myself, on my features, and everything about myself to the point where I wasn't happy and again I was just a girl.

I was so aware of my insecurities and I used them against me.

I remember in elementary school boys would make fun of my eyes because I am partly Japanese and it killed me, I honestly wanted to wear a paper bag over my head at all times or be invisible so no one would see me.

They also made fun of my freckles which I would pray every night that they would disappear.

Then they made fun of my lips because they were full even up to high school they called me "fish lips" and even to this day even writing it kills me inside.

These kids scarred me.

They made me wish and pray I didn't look the way I did and hate my culture and where I came from.

I truly hated myself.

Now fast forward to 2018 where big lips are in, people want to look exotic/mixed
and people are literally drawing on freckles...*crickets*

I gained a lot of anxiety from what happened to me when I was younger, I sometimes even find myself getting worried if I have a blemish and I leave the house without makeup but I soon realize that those are small problems and who even cares, seriously.

Basically, I realized this year that I love everything about myself and meeting my boyfriend of 10 years he made me truly start loving myself too, not that you need a Boyfriend to do that but he really put that in perspective for me.

I have flaws, who doesn't but I learned to love them and when you love your insecurities no one can use them against you.
 Im proud to be who I am and so should

We are all so beautiful in our own ways but who you are on the inside matters the most.
Be gentle with your self.


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